Speech Therapy
Individual Support Plan (ISP) describes, discusses, and ultimately make recommendations with respect to;
- Current performance, which is frequently called “present level of performance”
- Goal and objectives
- Assessment
- Services
In Vikas learning centre , a speech-language therapist, perform comprehensive evaluation of a student’s ability to communicate. Then design and administers appropriate training. The goal of therapy is to improve useful communication for kids with disabilities. Verbal communication is a realistic goal for others, the goal may be gestured communication, and still other may have the goal of communication by means of a symbol system such as picture boards. Therefore periodic evaluations are made to find the best approaches and to re-establish goals for each individual student. Also work is done to reduce unwanted behaviour that may interfere with the development of communication skills. Speech therapy involves much more than simply teaching a student to correctly pronounce words with the help of alphabetical chart and phonics charts.
This is a commonly used term that actually has three parts-Speech therapy, Language therapy and Communication Therapy. Speech therapy addresses motor problems involving the Oral Structures (Lips, tongue, teeth, palate, nasal cavity, breathing Mechanism), where the child is unable to produce speech sounds or cannot produce them clearly.
Language therapy addresses cognitive (thinking) problem involving listening, playing attention, understanding, memory, organizing thought etc., where the child can speak but not in sentences, make grammatical mistakes, has difficulty learning new words, and reading.
A speech disorder refers to a problem with the actual production of sounds, whereas a language disorder refers to a difficulty understanding or putting words together to communicate ideas.
Articulation Disorders: Difficulties producing sounds in syllables or saying words incorrectly to the point that listeners can’t understand what’s being said.
Fluency disorders: problem such us, in which the flow of speech is interrupted by abnormal stoppages, repetitions (stuttering), or prolonging sounds and syllables (stuttering).
Resonance or Voice Disorders: Problem with pitch, volume, or quality of the voice that distract listeners from what’s being said,. These types of disorders may also cause pain or discomfort for a child when speaking.
Dysphagia/Oral feeding disorders: These include difficulties with drooling, eating, and swallowing
Receptive Disorders: Difficulties understanding or processing language
Expressive Disorders: difficulty putting words together, limited vocabulary, or inability to use language in a society appropriate way.
Remediation:In Speech-Language therapy, an SLP will work with a child one-on-one, in a small group, or directly in a group to overcome difficulties involved with a specific disorder.
Language Intervention activities: The SLP will interact with a child by playing and talking, using pictures, books, objects, or ongoing events to stimulate language development. The therapist may also model correct pronunciation and use repetition exercises to build speech and language skills.
Articulation Therapy: Articulation, or sound production, exercises involve having the therapist model correct sounds and syllables for a child, often during play activities. The level of play is age-appropriate and related to the child’s specific needs. The SLP will physically show the child how to make certain sounds. Such as the “r” sound and may demonstrate how to move the tongue to produce specific sounds.
Oral-Motor / feeding and swallowing therapy: The SLP will use a variety of oral exercises-including facial massage and various tongue, lip, and jaw exercises-to strengthen the muscle of the mouth. The SLP also may work with different food texture and temperatures to increase a child’s oral awareness during eating and swallowing.
Therapy should begin as soon as possible. Children enrolled in therapy early (Before they’re 5 years old) tend to have better outcomes than those who begin therapy later. This does not mean that older kids can’t make progress in therapy; they may progress at a slower rate because they often have learned patterns that need to be changed.
The ISP is written collaboratively, with the parents and faculty of Vikas learning centre. Continuous monitoring of the ISP is done and required actions are done to help the child with special needs.