Shanjai Krishnaa Poly Clinic
(Multi Speciality Therapy Centre)
- Occupational Therapy-Sensory Integration Therapy.
- Early Intervention therapy.
- Physical Therapy-Neuro Developmental Therapy.
- Speech-Language-Communication Therapy (Verbal & Non Verbal).
- Special needs Education (Functional Academics).
- Remedial Education for children with Slow Learners, Dyslexia, Hyperlexia, Learning Disabilities.
- Handwriting Training for children with preschool and Dysgraphia.
- Yoga Activities for children with ASD.
- Children brain Developmental classes.
- Mid brain and Brain Gym Activities.
- Memory development services.
- Psychological counselling for slow learner, parental guidance and counselling.
- Cognitive Behaviour Therapy.
- ABA-Applied Behaviour Analysis and Behaviour Modification.
- Social Activities (Structural play activities).
- Acupuncture and healing treatment.
Occupational Therapy
Sensory Integration Therapy
Some areas of involvement are
- Balance and posture
- Muscle tone and strength
- Body awareness
- Fine motor abilities (pinching and grasping, manipulative skills, pencil and scissors use, hand writing)
- Gross motor abilities (running, jumping, climbing)
- Motor planning (ability to plan, initiate and execute a motor act)
- Visual perception (shape recognition, visual memory)
- Visual motor integration (copying shapes, copying block design)
- Sensory integration (response to sensory stimuli, discrimination of sensory input)
- Behaviour Modification (arousal level, attention, problem solving skills)
- Self-care skills (eating , toilet habits, bathing)
- Community living skills (management of money, shopping)
- Pre academic skills (identify letters, sounds, shapes, colours and numbers)
- Play skills are used as a tool to enhance life skills.
- Social skills.
- Pre Vocational and Vocational skills.